Gustavo Bueno he focused his lecture on the philosophy of empire and continental shelves. “I came into contact with Postmodernism in 2015 in an operation called STOP ISIS and which lasted the duration of an operation of this type. In two months he had a great media presence to stop ISIS and the plans to convert the cathedral of Córdoba into a mosque”.
Bueno encouraged the attendees to do a search “Put Pelayo and then dictionary, and you will get the philosophical dictionary of Pelayo García Sierra, where the idea of the nation's empire appears. Within the philosophical idea of empire, the two classic ones are generating empire and predatory empire.. The idea of philosophical empire is linked to universal empire, which is an ideal behind religions, Catholics and Islam. And therein lies the conflict, we must not forget that the Islamic or Andalus invasion occurred to avoid the Trinitarian deviations that the Christians who lived in what will be Europe had and to get us out of error, the Mohammedan companions came to get us out of our mistake".
Gustavo Bueno has made some observations about the moment you are living. “The years that we are experiencing are different for the reason that the degree of development and the dialectic between states and empires have us fully involved in the reality of the limits of existing energy resources. The drop lines in oil production have been taking place since the first decade of this century and that ideal that research would solve everything, we have seen that this is not the case. The globalist ideologues knew that the human quantity was a danger to development, they said that the human quantity had to be reduced”.
It is impossible to go back, it is impossible to reanalyze the present with Marxist categories, but we are in another more difficult situation that requires a deeper categorization.
.Someone truly believes that the EU can create a nation, they believe that France is going to give up its frustrated desire for empire.
It is dangerous to talk about the Anglosphere for Gustavo Bueno, “because it brings together two imperial structures, which do not necessarily have to be harmonious. Capitalism is not opposed to communism, the simplicity when handling these categories causes confusion when understanding the world in which we live.
We are not eurosceptic, we only affirm that the project of the European Union, as its ideologues sell it, cannot be understood in 100 years as a harmony because it is not viable, neither economically nor in other aspects.