Posmocampus 2022 is the first Summer University organized by the New Direction Foundation In collaboration with Posmodernia.
At a time of global change, we believe that it is no longer possible to face the future anchored in the references and ideas of the past. Therefore, under the title “An alternative to globalism: Sovereignty. Independence. Identity"we will bring together young people interested in the big issues of the moment with a program of leading European speakers.
When and where is it celebrated? From September 7 to 10, 2022. The headquarters of the University will be the city of Córdoba (Spain).
For three days we will have debates and several round tables of experts, but also a cultural program to get the best out of Córdoba, including cultural visits, a gala dinner and a final farewell night with dancing included.
Who can sign up? All young people and students from 18 to 30. Registration includes access to all events and, depending on the modality, meals and accommodation included, so that participants can adapt to the option that best suits them to enjoy the maximum of three days of debates, coexistence and leisure in Córdoba.
Since Posmocampus 2022 we want to respond to the challenges that our century poses to us in the face of the general breakdown of references, to give birth to a new thought that responds to the problems, uncertainties and concerns of the present.
What is New Direction? What is Posmodernia?
The foundation New Direction was founded by Margaret Thatcher in 2009 as the intellectual center of European conservatism, New Direction it has established academic networks across Europe and research associations around the world.
Posmodernia it is a private center for studies, social, economic, political and cultural analysis that is legally articulated as an association and foundation.
Posmodernia it is configured as a group of opinion and generator of thought and its leitmotif deals with the concept of the end of the historical stage of modernity and the failure of the models derived from it (liberalism, capitalism, socialism, Marxism, social democracy, fascism... ). Faced with the general breakdown of references, Posmodernia wants to give birth to a new thought that responds to the problems, uncertainties and concerns of the present. Posmodernia opposes Consumerism-Redistribution, Totalitarianism-Democracy, Manipulation-Education, Individualism-Community, Economicism-Social Justice, Control-Liberty, Egalitarianism-Levelling, Barbarism-Civilization, Relativism-Principles and Globalization- Identity.