Ryszard A. Legutko ha lanzado algunas ideas sobre la democracia iliberal y neoliberal de la Unión Europea.  “Tenemos que tener mucho cuidado con la forma en la que expresamos con el idioma las cosas, la forma de lengua que utilizamos no significa a veces lo que creemos. Si buscamos palabras como liberalismo, democracia y neoliberalismo, libertad, pluralismo etc, y buscamos cómo se utilizan hoy en día, nos daremos cuenta de que ha habido un cambio de significado en las mismas, con asiduidad es opuesto”. 

If we use the word democracy for example, in the European Parliament “they consider that they are the most democratic Parliament in the world. And there those who are against things are cordoned off, they are not proposed for essential positions, they are not given the opportunity to participate in the influential, they are marginalized, this type of practice does not exist in other parliaments, that does not exist in my country, where the opposition has its rights”. 


“La forma en que se trata la oposición en el Parlamento Europeo es muy similar a la que se trata en Burkina Faso, es un ostracismo”. 


“There we see how the language works, the language, those who say that the European Parliament is the most democratic, have been very manipulated, they are not capable of seeing reality, democracy is a political system in which each of the parties who enters parliament has the right to be part of the system. And in the European Parliament, the opposition does not have the right to be part of this system, they are pushed away and left aside, and yet I argue that the proponent from the EU is that they are real democrats” Legutko explained. 


We must not allow pluralism and democracy to marginalize us. Liberalism is etymologically associated with freedom, but if a system calls itself using a word as such, it does not mean that it is in favor of liberalism, this is a figure of speech. For the MEP “teverything must be changed, there is a system of institutions that is established so that these new notions are respected. This is not pluralism, however the premise is that we are going to force you to be a pluralist”.

He has also made a presentation through three points about what the European Union has done with the rules. 

1.- What exists in each of the nation-states of Europe, we have a constitution and its objective is to establish firm limits between different institutions. “If we read article one of the EU we will see that the European Union is in a process of constant unification, creating an increasingly specific union, we are integrating more and more and the phrase, "union that integrates" is used more and more in political speech. And what this concept means is that the limits of competences are mixed "

2.- Related to the distribution of power, democratic legitimacy, which individuals have more power. “Those that have more democratic legitimacy are the institutions that have been selected and elected by universal vote and suffrage. If we take the example of the state president, state presidents elected through universal suffrage tend to hold positions of great power. However, those who are elected by Parliament have little democratic legitimacy, the function is representative, as in Germany, the president has almost no power, or in Hungary, it is more symbolic than anything else”. 

“If we go back to the structure of the EU, one of the most important institutions is the governing European commission, they have executive power. As established through the European Parliament, it is the parliamentarians who elect the members of the European commission.After the commission is elected they become super ministers, super president or super prime minister. The commission must be the servant of the treaties, because you have to ask yourself who watches over who guards the treaty”. 

3.- The legislative branch of the EU. “We have a Parliament, any country has one, and parliament means representation, sometimes we like what it does, sometimes we don't, and if we don't like it, we vote for that parliamentarian and people change. But it is simple, it is a robust rationing. But the European Parliament, although they are all elected, there is no such accountability at all”.